Opening Hours :Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 7:00pmSaturday: 7:30am to 2:00pm
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130 W - 1400 RPM
150 W - 1400 RPM
350 W - 1400 RPM
140 W - 1400 RPM
110 W - 1400 RPM
110 W - 1350 RPM
120 W - 1350 RPM
230 W
Industrial Stand Fan 26"
180 W - 1350 RPM
300W - 1350 RPM
300 W - 1350 RPM
Industrial Stand Fan 30"
Stand Fan 18"
Industrial Stand Fan 20" 135W
Industrial Stand Fan 24'' 180W
Industrial Wall Fan 20" 130W
Industrial Wall Fan 24'' 150W
Industrial Stand Fan 30'' 200W
Industrial Wall Fan with Remote 20'' 140W
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Created by General Informatix Ltd